Mass and Mass Related


Weight Scale                                Electronic Balance

Weight Meter                               Silo/Tank Weight

Torque Wrench                            Torque Screw Driver

Electronic Torque                          Air Torque/Cap Torque

Torque Gauge                              Torque Meter/Torque Analyzer

Hardness Tester (HRA/HRB/HRC)    Leeb Hardness Tester  

Vickers Micro Hardness Tester        Duro Meter/Rubber Hardness

Pressure Gauge/Indicator               Pressure Trans./Vacuum Gauge

Differential Pressure Gauge            Mano Meter

Weight (OIML Class)                      Hook/Slot/Special Weight

Force Gauge/Loadcell                    Universal Testing Machine

Compression Gauge                      Tension Gauge

Viscometer/ Viscosity Cup              Volumetric Glass Ware

Burette/Pipette/Flask                     Cylinder/Beaker/Dilutor/Dispenser

Air Velocity/Anemometer          

Other Equipment (Please contact)

Mass and Mass Related ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation




Expanded Uncertainty of Measurement (+/-)

Reference Standard, Method, and/or Equipment

1,2 Scales and Balances

Electronic/Mechanical Balance

Spring Balance

Electronic Balance

Weight Scale

Flow Scale

Precision Scale

Platform Scale

Hook Scale

Jewellery Scales

Animal scales

Thank Scale

(> 0.5 to 100) g

(> 100 to 220) g

(> 220 to 500) g

(> 500 to 600) g

(> 600 to 1 000) g

(> 1 000 to 1 200) g

(> 1 200 to 1 500) g

(> 1 500 to 2 000) g

(> 2 000 to 3 000) g

(> 3 000 to 5 000) g

(> 5 000 to 6 000) g

0.32 mg

0.32 mg

1.4 mg

1.9 mg

2.8 mg

8.8 mg

12 mg

13 mg

14 mg

18 mg

84 mg

OIML Class E2, F1 or F2 Weights and UKAS Publication Reference LAB 14, Edition 6 utilized for the calibration of the weighing system.

 1,2 Scales and Balances

Electronic/Mechanical Balance

(> 6 to 10) kg

(> 10 to 20) kg

(> 20 to 30) kg

(> 30 to 60) kg

(> 60 to 100) kg

(> 100 to 150) kg

(> 150 to 300) kg

(> 300 to 500) kg

(> 500 to 1 000) kg

(> 1 000 to 2 000) kg

0.084 g

0.17 g

0.25 g

0.84 g

0.88 g

4.1 g

8.2 g


82 g

95 g

OIML Class E2, F1 or F2 Weights and UKAS Publication Reference LAB 14, Edition 6 utilized for the calibration of the weighing system

1 Hand Torque Tools

Torque Wrench, Torque Driver

Click Torque, Electronic Torque

Air Torque, Screw Torque

Beam Torque Wrench

Split Beam Torque Wrench

Slip Torque Wrench

No-Hub Torque Wrench

Setting Torque


Dial Torque

0.01 cNm to 1 500 Nm

1 % of reading

Torque Analyzer

1 Rockwell Hardness Tester

Dial Hardness Tester

Leeb Hardness Tester


Rebound Hardness Tester

Pocket Hardness Tester



(10 to 30) HRC

(>30 to 50) HRC

(>50 to 90) HRC


(10 to 30) HRB

(>30 to 50) HRB

(>50 to 90) HRB


(10 to 30) HRA

(>10 to 50) HRA

(>50 to 90) HRA

0.38 HRC

0.38 HRC

0.46 HRC


0.9 HRB

0.9 HRB

0.9 HRB


0.68 HRA

0.68 HRA

0.68 HRA

Indirect Verification using Hardness Blocks

¹ Brinell Hardness Tester

Aluminum hardness tester

(>95 to 250) HBW

(>250 to 450) HBW

(>450 to 650) HBW

0.71 HBW

1.8 HBW

2.9 HBW

Indirect Verification using Hardness Block

1 Vickers Micro Hardness Tester

279 HV

700 HV

11 HV

37 HV

Indirect Verification using Hardness Block

1 Leeb Hardness Tester

Rebound Hardness Tester

545 HLD

785 HRD

6.4 HLD

4.8 HLD

Indirect Verification using Hardness Block

1 Torque Tester, Torque Gauge

Torque Transducer, 

Torque Meter, Torque Sensor

Master Torque, 

Standard Torque

0.01 cN.m to 1 Nm

(>1 to 10) Nm

(>10 to 200) Nm

(>200 to 500) Nm

0.4 % of reading

0.2 % of reading

0.13 % of reading

0.1 % of reading

Standard Weight & Measuring Arm

1 Vacuum Gauge

(- 15 to 0) psiv

0.03 psi

Pressure Calibrator

1 Pressure Measuring

(Pneumatic & Hydraulic)

Pressure Gauge, 

Pressure Indicator

Test Gauge, Pressure Switch

Pressure Transducer, 

Pressure Pump, Leak Tester

(0 to 300) psig

(> 120 to 240) psig

(> 240 to 300) psig

(> 300 to 10 000) psig

0.05 psi

0.15 psi

0.19 psi

1.5 psi

Pressure Calibrator

1 Differential Pressure Gauge,

Mano Meter

Dial Differential Pressure Gauge

(-120 to 120) mbar

1 mbar

Pressure Calibrator

1 Mass

(None-OIML Specification)

Slot Weight, Hook Weight,

Special Shape Weight

Up to 200 g

(> 200 to 500) g

(> 500 to 1 000) g

(> 1 000 to 2 000) g

(> 2 000 to 5 000) g

(> 5 to 10) kg

(> 10 to 20) kg

(> 20 to 30) kg

0.16 mg

1.5 mg

3 mg

15 mg

18 mg

160 mg

210 mg

290 mg

Standard Weight,

Electronic Balance



Standard Weight Class,

F1, F2, M1, M2

1 mg

2 mg

5 mg

10 mg

20 mg

50 mg

100 mg

200 mg

500 mg

1 g

2 g

5 g

10 g

20 g

50 g

100 g

200 g

500 g

0.058 mg

0.058 mg

0.058 mg

0.058 mg

0.058 mg

0.058 mg

0.058 mg

0.058 mg

0.058 mg

0.058 mg

0.058 mg

0.058 mg

0.058 mg

0.058 mg

0.058 mg

0.058 mg

0.058 mg

0.58 mg

Standard Weight and

OIML R-111 utilized as the method of calibration for mass.


(OIML Specification)

Standard Weight Class,

F1, F2, M1, M2

1 kg

2 kg

5 kg

10 kg

20 kg

0.58 mg

5.8 mg

5.8 mg

58 mg

58 mg

Standard Weight and

OIML R-111 utilized as the method of calibration for mass.

Mass and Mass Related ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation


Expanded Uncertainty of Measurement (+/-)

Reference Standard, Method, and/or Equipment

1 Force Measuring

Digital Force Gauge,

Push/Pull Gauge, Loadcell,

Tension Gauge, Dial Tension,

Compression Gauge, 

Up to 5 N

(> 5 to 10) N

(> 10 to 500) N

(> 500 to 1 000) N

0.000 6 N

0.000 65 N

0.006 N

0.58 N

Standard Weight

1 Viscometer / Visco Cup

20 °C to 50 °C

Rotational Viscometer

Krebs Viscometer

Sheen Viscometer

Rotothinner Viscometer

Portable Viscometer

Zahn cup

Sheen Cup

Dynamic Viscosity

Up to 100 000 mPa.s

Kinematic Viscosity

Up to 100 000 mPa.s


0.5% of reading + 0.01 mP.s


0.5% of reading + 0.01 mP.s

Standard Reference Viscosity

Volumetric Glass Ware and

Operated Volumetric

Apparatus – Burette,

Volumetric Pipette,

Measuring Pipette,

Volumetric Flask, Graduated

Cylinder, Beaker, Single channel

Piston Pipette, Multichannel

Piston Pipette,

Positive-displacement Pipette,

Piston Burette, Dilutor,


Up to 200) µL

(> 200 to 1000) µL

(> 1 to 200) mL

(> 200 to 1 000) mL

(> 1 000 to 30 000) mL

0.25 µL

0.65 µL

0.000 3 mL

0.001 6 mL

0.29 mL

Electronic Balance,

ASTM E542-01 and

ISO 8655-6 utilized as the methods in the calibration of these devices.


(0.6 to 2) g/cm³

0.000 05 g/cm³

Electronic Balance, Cuckow’s Method

¹Flow Meter (Air Flow)

Flow Switch


Up to 50 L/min

(>50 to 100) L/min

(>100 to 200) L/min

(>200 to 300) L/min

0.47 L/min

0.45 L/min

0.93 L/min

1.1 L/min

Master Flow Rate

Silk Screen Tension Meter

Tension Gauge


(Up to 20) N/cm

(>20 to 50) N/cm

0.15 N/cm

0.25 N/cm

Standard Tension Meter, Screen Tension Calibration Set

1 Universal TestingMachine – Tension and Compression

Spring Tester

Compression Tester

Tension Tester


(5 to 50) N

(50 to 500) N

(2 to 20) kN

(20 to 200) kN

0.1 % of reading

0.18% of Reading

0.18% of Reading

0.23% of Reading

Force Transducers

1 Rubber Hardness – Spring Calibration – Force


Types A, B, E, & O

Types C, D, & DO

Types OO & OOO

Type OOO-S

Type M


Indenter Extension & Shape –







(10 to 90) Duro

(10 to 90) Duro

(10 to 90) Duro

(10 to 90) Duro

(10 to 90) Duro



(0 to 25) mm

(0 to 25) mm

(0 to 90) °

(0 to 25) mm



0.2 Duro

0.2 Duro

0.2 Duro

0.2 Duro

0.2 Duro



0.003 7 mm

0.003 7 mm

0.009 °

0.003 7 mm





Force Transducer






Video Measuring System

1Air Velocity


(Up to 15) m/s

0.32 m/s

Standard Anemometer

      1. On-site calibration service is available for this parameter, since on-site conditions are typically more variable than those in the laboratory, larger measurement uncertainties are expected on-site than what is reported on the accredited scope
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