Chemical Quantities


pH Meter                            EC Meter (Electric Conductivity)

ORP Meter                          Chlorine meter (Free/Total Chlorine)

TDS Meter                          DO (Dissolved Oxygen) Meter

Conductivity Meter               Refractometer       

Turbidity Meter                    Resistivity Meter

Salinity Meter                      Salinity Refractometer

Ion Meter                            Water Hardness Tester

Etc. (Please contact)

Chemical Quantities  ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation



Expanded Uncertainty of Measurement (+/-)

Reference Standard, Method, and/or Equipment

1 pH Meter

4 pH

7 pH

10 pH

0.01 pH

0.012 pH

0.015 pH

pH solutions

1 Conductivity Meter

84 µS/cm

1 413 µS/cm

12 880 µS/cm

0.8 µS/cm

16 µS/cm

100 µS/cm

Conductivity solutions

1 Refractometer

5 %Brix

10 %Brix

20 %Brix

30 %Brix

50 %Brix

60 %Brix

0.03 %Brix

0.03 %Brix

0.04 %Brix

0.04 %Brix

0.05 %Brix

0.06 %Brix

Source Solution, Standard Refractometer

1 Turbidity Meter

10 NTU

100 NTU

500 NTU

1 000 NTU

0.085 NTU

0.85 NTU


10 NTU

Turbidity Solution

1 TDS Meter

10 mg/l

100 mg/l

500 mg/l

1 000 mg/l

2 000 mg/l

0.063 mg/l

0.62 mg/l

3.1 mg/l

6.2 mg/l

12 mg/l

TDS Buffer Solution

DO Meter

5.9 mg/l

31.1 mg/l

0.2 mg/l

0.2 mg/l

DO Buffer Solution

Gas Detector/Analyzer

100 parts in 106 CO

18% O2

50 %LEL CH4

25 parts in 106 H2S

2.2 parts in 106 CO

0.38 % O2

1.3 %LEL

1.5 parts in 106 H2S

Standard Gas

                    1. On-site calibration service is available for this parameter, since on-site conditions are typically more variable than those in the laboratory, larger measurement uncertainties are expected on-site than what is reported on the accredited scope
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